Confirmaton Registration Form
Confirmation Sponsor Form - Please click here to submit confirmation sponsor form /confirmation-sponsor-form-1
Who is eligible to be a sponsor? The Catholic Church requires the following of sponsor:
• Your sponsor must be at least sixteen years of age.
• Your sponsor must be Roman Catholic, baptized and confirmed, and have received first communion.
• Your sponsor must be practicing his/her faith, that is, a faithful Catholic who attends Sunday Mass on a regular basis.
• If married, they must be married according to the regulations of the Catholic faith
• Your sponsor must be someone besides your parents. The church prefers that the godparents at baptism serve again as the sponsor at confirmation. You may choose as your sponsor, your brother, sister, godfather, godmother, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend, neighbour who meets these requirements. Your parents, step-parents, foster parents, or guardians may NOT act as sponsors.