- June 2017: Our potluck and awards dinner. Congratulations to many of our members who received their pins for milestone anniversaries. Our CWL President, Chris McKenzie won the Lady of the Year Award for her leadership, hard work and commitment to the CWL and our St. Michael's community. Congratulations Chris! We were pleased to present Father Dave with contributions for the parking lot project. One donation from the CWL Card Party raffle, and another from the Mother of Good Counsel Social Card Group.
- May 2017: Our Lady of Lourdes and St Michael Parish Councils (Waterloo, ON) planted rose bushes commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Church. A blue hydrangea, representing the League’s crest colour, was presented to Christ Lutheran, St Marks and Zion parishes as a symbol of friendship. A wine and cheese social followed.
- March 2017: The Waterloo joint CWL Lenten Retreat was held on March 11th, at St. Agnes Church. Hospitality and guest speaker Fr. Aleks Mazur spoke on the topic - “The Great Gift of Confession”. A timely discussion as we get prepared for Easter.
- March 2017:
Guest speaker Teresa Hartnett, Director of Family Ministry of Hamilton shared an overview of our Pope’s Exhortation Amoris Laetitia (Joy of Love).
- February 2017:
Guest speaker Pat Wilkins provided information about the "Days for Girls' organization. Days for Girls helps girls in developing countries gain access to quality sustainable feminine hygiene, vital health knowledge, and income-generation opportunities.
- January 2017:
Guest speaker from Hospice of Waterloo Region shared valuable information with us about support available to our community.