December 4 2018 - Everyone had a great time together at Golf's Steakhouse at our Christmas 2018 social. Past President, Chris McKenzie was honoured with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Merry Christmas!
November 13 2018 -
This evening we held a special memorial service, remembering the deceased members of St. Michael's Catholic Women's League.
October 9 2018 - Thank you David Dayler for sharing how grandparents CAN have an impact to ensure that our Catholic faith is not lost. We can do this by demonstrating that 'faith is caught; not taught'. Thank you for sharing your story. It's now time for us to compile & share our stories.
October 9 2018 - We had an eventful evening at St. Michael's Parish, Waterloo this evening. Following praying the Rosary and Mass, we had the Installation of CWL Officers ceremony and blessing of our new CWL banner. Bringing Christ's light to the world...
June 21 2018 - We were delighted to receive these 2 photos taken by Shari Guinta while vacationing in Galway, Ireland. These photos are of an altar, at St. Augustine's Catholic Church, dedicated to Our Lady of Good Counsel. Thank you for sharing, Shari!
June 5 2018 - Photos from our CWL Pot Luck and Recognition evening. May of our members were awarded with service pins, including recognition of a 70 year member. Congratulations to all! We also presented Fr. Dave with a cheque from raffle proceeds and thanked Chris McKenzie for her valued service to us as our President. We also welcomed Shani Preglj on board as our new President. This was truly an evening "
Inspired by the Spirit, responding to God's call".
May 26 2018 - Hamilton Diocesan Council 98th Annual Convention, Guelph Ontario - A few of our CWL members and executive are pictured here at the 98th annual convention (Kathy Shaw, Shani Preglj, Bonnie Gleason, Gail Finch, Chris McKenzie and Shari Guinta). It was a day of business updates, guest speakers (pictured Father Michael King), strategic planning, prayer and reflection.
May 2018 - We thank David Dayler, Director of Discipleship and Parish Life, Diocese of Hamilton, for enlightening us on the subject of 'Mary our Mother'. Following our Crowning of Mary celebration David shared many insights about how Mary was and continues to be a perfect disciple. Mary does not want to be put up on a pedestal, but rather walk beside us and with us on our faith journey. Pictured here, our CWL President, Chris McKenzie with David.
April 2018 - Many thanks to Andrea Laughlin, Pastoral Associate for our Schools and Youth at St. Michael's Parish, for sharing her faith journey with us. We also had the privilege of learning more about Andrea's role and vision. Pictured here, our CWL President, Chris McKenzie with Andrea.